Monday, January 16, 2012


How does music affect the mind and/or thought processes?

We've always known that music affects people. It can either jazz someone up, or swing someone to sleep. Music has been apart of our society for centuries. But what does music specifically do to our brains? What does it precisely do to the way we think?
If music helps me sit and study, and focus on my work, but doesn't help the student next to me, what is it doing for them? How does music affect THEIR brains, and treat mine differently? If we can hone in on what makes music flow, we can ultimately use it to our advantage.
In order to get information, I plan on seeking information from not only the Internet, but some real life experts on the topic such as: a band teacher, a rock band member, a music store owner, and a music fanatic. Combining my online efforts, and the ideas of my real life examples, I hope to prove what music can do for the brain, and how we can tap into that scale, and use it to our own advantage.

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